
Platinum #38 - Borderlands 2

Platinum #38 - Borderlands 2
Difficulty: 4/10
Time: ca. 40h
Fun: 10/10
Rage: 2/10
Platinum - 180
Gold - 2x - 180
Silver - 9x - 270
Bronze - 39x - 585

I loved Borderlands but Borderlands 2 is like a million times better! I really enjoyed it, but the sidequests with time limits and the random spawns (chubby, Donkey Mong and Jenkins) sucked ass. Finally I got the platinum! Only thing I'm curious about is why the fuck did they took the Borderlands 2 logo for the platinum trophy? Every trophy from Borderlands and every trophy from Borderlands 2 have the same design, why make the logo as platinum? I think this sucks, but platinum is platinum, so it doesn't matter to much. Thanks to Hardy_Boy1 for the help with Terramorphous and power leveling.

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